SPRING FRAMEWORK CHANGELOG ========================== http://www.springframework.org Changes in version 2.0.2 (8.1.2007) ----------------------------------- General * fixed spring-beans.jar to not include "META-INF/aop.xml", "META-INF/spring.tld" and "META-INF/spring-form.tld" anymore * leverage the "trace" log level in the Spring core, to make activating the "debug" log level more bearable Package org.springframework.aop * AbstractRegexpMethodPointcut trims whitespace from passed-in "patterns" and "excludedPatterns" * fixed AbstractAutoProxyCreator to allow for proxying the same bean with multiple auto proxy creators (again) * BeanNameAutoProxyCreator trims whitespace from passed-in "beanNames" * ScopedProxyFactoryBean throws IllegalStateException if it couldn't determine the type of the target bean (avoid NPE) * "scoped-proxy" tag works for non-singleton FactoryBeans as well, leveraging the BeanFactory's improved type check * factored out BeanFactoryAdvisorRetrievalHelper from AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator * factored out BeanFactoryAspectJAdvisorsBuilder from AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator * added AbstractBeanFactoryPointcutAdvisor and DefaultBeanFactoryPointcutAdvisor * each "aop:advisor" entry lazily initializes its Advice bean, to let all target beans be exposed to all Advisors Package org.springframework.beans * CachedIntrospectionResults allows for caching for specific ClassLoaders even if their classes are not cache-safe * BeanWrapper interface extends TypeConverter interface, instead of just BeanWrapperImpl implementing TypeConverter * BeanWrapperImpl converts nested collection value (e.g. List within Map) to declared generic type, if applicable * BeanWrapperImpl's TypeMismatchException mentions the specific element that failed in case of a (generic) collection * BeanWrapperImpl assigns a given array directly if component type matches and no matching custom editors registered * added default editor for JDK 1.4's "java.net.URI" class, supporting "classpath:" pseudo URLs as well as general URIs * ResourceEditorRegistrar always registers ClassEditor for given ResourceLoader's ClassLoader * added "originalBeanName(String)" method to BeanFactoryUtils, allowing to cut off a generated "#..." suffix * FieldRetrievingFactoryBean and PropertyPathFactoryBean extract the original bean name for their beanName-based syntax * added support for 'early access singletons' to AbstractFactoryBean, exposing a proxy in case of a circular reference * ListFactoryBean, SetFactoryBean and MapFactoryBean support exposure of a proxy in case of a circular reference * refined currently-in-creation check for lazy-init singletons, to avoid unintended BeanCurrentlyInCreationException * DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry and subclasses use unified mutex for singleton access, to avoid potential for deadlocks * AbstractBeanFactory caches merged bean definitions with bean definition identity as key (to avoid bean name conflicts) * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory caches "isExcludedFromDependencyCheck" results for affected PropertyDescriptors * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory provides two-step FactoryBean type check for non-singleton FactoryBeans as well * fixed AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory to only apply injection-before-wrapping check for singletons * DefaultListableBeanFactory avoids expensive dependency check preparations unless an actual dependency check is needed * ResourceEntityResolver catches any kind of Exception in system root URL check (in particular AccessControlException) * introduced XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException, with special support for SAXParseException and its location information * XmlBeanDefinitionReader chooses XSD validation if XmlValidationModeDetector indicates AUTO (= no clear indication) * XML bean "id" and "name" (aliases) are allowed to define the same name (for backwards compatibility with Spring 1.2.8) * BeanDefinitionDecorators are applied to inner beans as well (in particular: "p:" namespace works for inner beans now) * fixed AbstractBeanDefinitionParser and UtilNamespaceHandler to consistently use ProblemReporter instead of exceptions * added "fatal" method to ProblemReporter, used by NamespaceHandlerSupport to report a missing parser or decorator * added "defaultsRegistered" notification to ReaderEventListener, with DefaultsDefinition marker interface as argument * reworked BeanDefinitionParserDelegate to build and hold a DocumentDefaultsDefinition instance, also firing an event * BeanDefinitionParserDelegate/AbstractBeanDefinitionParser report bean name generation failure through ProblemReporter * DefaultBeanDefinitioDocumentReader reports alias registration failure through ProblemReporter Package org.springframework.context * AbstractApplicationContext explicitly stops all Lifecycle Beans before destroying them one-by-one (to avoid delays) Package org.springframework.core * Conventions (as used by ModelMap) extracts inner class name for inner classes * Conventions (as used by ModelMap) extracts primary interface name for JDK proxies * reworked CollectionFactory's "createApproximateCollection/Map" to preserve original Comparator for TreeSet/TreeMap * LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer uses current ClassLoader for ASM analysis (not the system ClassLoader) * PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver properly handles jar file roots returned by the ClassLoader (e.g. on Resin) Package org.springframework.dao * added "singleResult" and "requiredSingleResult" methods to DataAccessUtils, distinct from "uniqueResult"'s contract Package org.springframework.jdbc * RowMapperResultSetExtractor always uses ArrayList, even in case of unknown number of rows expected * JdbcTemplate by default uses "PreparedStatement.setString" for any CharSequence (including String and StringBuilder) * JdbcTemplate logs SQLWarnings at debug instead of warn level, to avoid repeated warn logs for acceptable conditions * JdbcTemplate's "queryForObject" uses "requiredSingleResult" to never accept more than 1 row in result (as per its c.) * SqlQuery's "findObject" explicitly uses "singleResult" to never accept more than 1 row in result (as per its contract) Package org.springframework.jms * introduced SmartConnectionFactory interface and "ConnectionFactoryUtils.releaseConnection" method * introduced DelegatingConnectionFactory, configuring whether a Connection should be stopped before closing it * JmsTemplate/DefaultMessageListenerContainer do *not* explicitly stop their Connections by default anymore (see above) * added "transactionName" property to DefaultMessageListenerContainer (in particular for WebLogic's tx monitoring) * fixed JmsInvokerClientInterceptor to always explicitly start its Connection (not rely on pre-started Connections) Package org.springframework.jmx * reworked MBeanProxyFactoryBean's and ConnectorServerFactoryBean's "setObjectName" to also accept ObjectName reference Package org.springframework.orm * SqlMapClientFactoryBean uses SqlMapClientBuilder with InputStream if possible (on iBATIS 2.3, to avoid encoding issue) * Hibernate3 LocalSessionFactoryBean automatically sets JTATransactionFactory if given a "jtaTransactionManager" * Hibernate3 LocalSessionFactoryBean only sets connection release mode "on_close" if not given a "jtaTransactionManager" * Hibernate3 LocalSessionFactoryBean exposes configured DataSource for schema update (required on Hibernate 3.2.1+) * fixed Hibernate JTA transaction synchronization to properly mark a rollback on WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup * HibernateJpaDialect switches FlushMode to MANUAL in case of read-only, and enforces COMMIT or AUTO for read-write tx * fixed "hashCode()" handling in extended JPA EntityManager proxy, avoiding an eternal recursion * extended JPA EntityManagers that join a synchronized transaction propagate a commit exception to the (commit) caller * PersistenceUnitReader determines URI-conforming persistence unit root (for Hibernate EntityManager's archive browsing) * JpaTransactionManager and EntityManagerFactoryUtils's JTA synchronization clear a pre-bound EntityManager on rollback * PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor allows for specifying JNDI names for persistence units and persistence contexts * OpenXxxInViewFilters reobtain thread-bound holder for closing it, to allow for replacing the holder during a request Package org.springframework.remoting * RmiServiceExporter logs description of actual registry instead of port (to properly handle passed-in "registry") * HttpInvokerClientInterceptor/ProxyFactoryBean uses the ClassLoader of the containing BeanFactory for deserialization Package org.springframework.samples * cleaned up platform/login configuration in PetClinic's TopLink variant Package org.springframework.scheduling * fixed MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean to be compatible with Quartz 1.6 as well as Quartz 1.5.2 (again) * reworked Quartz SpringBeanJobFactory's "ignoredUnknownProperties" into a String array of unknown properties to ignore * CommonJ TimerManagerFactoryBean supports Lifecycle interface, suspending/resuming its TimerManager accordingly * CommonJ TimerManagerFactoryBean explicitly stops its TimerManager on destroy, not relying on J2EE application shutdown * added "shared" flag to CommonJ TimerManagerFactoryBean, to suppress suspend/resume/stop calls in case of a shared TM Package org.springframework.scripting * updated Groovy support to Groovy 1.0 final * added optional GroovyObjectCustomizer constructor arg to GroovyScriptFactory, to allow for setting a custom MetaClass * updated JRuby support to JRuby 0.9.2 (not compatible with previous JRuby versions anymore!) * fixed JRubyScriptFactory to correctly wrap Java objects that get passed into a JRuby script proxy * fixed JRubyScriptFactory's "findClassNode" to always cast the correct object Package org.springframework.test * added public "getApplicationContext()" method to AbstractSingleSpringContextTests * added public "getJdbcTemplate()" method to AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests Package org.springframework.transaction * AbstractPlatformTransactionManager logs full transaction definition when creating a new transaction * added "defaultTimeout" property to AbstractPlatformTransactionManager Package org.springframework.ui * VelocityEngineFactory/SpringResourceLoader supports Velocity-style comma-separated paths as "resourceLoaderPath" value Package org.springframework.util * added overloaded no-arg "start()" method to StopWatch * added "hasConstructor" and "getConstructorIfAvailable" methods to ClassUtils * ClassUtils's "getAllInterfaces"/"getAllInterfacesForClass" preserves interface definition order in the result array * fixed AntPathMatcher's "extractPathWithinPattern" to correctly extract paths that have fewer parts than the pattern * XmlValidationModeDetector returns VALIDATION_AUTO if it encounters a CharConversionException Package org.springframework.validation * added "prefix" property and "postProcessMessageCode" template method to DefaultMessageCodesResolver Package org.springframework.web * IntrospectorCleanupListener explicitly exposes the web app ClassLoader as cacheable for CachedIntrospectionResults * introduced MissingServlet/PortletRequestParameterException subclasses of Servlet/PortletRequestBindingException * reworked the 'default value for missing parameter' check in Servlet/PortletRequestUtils to be as efficient as possible * AbstractUrlHandlerMapping exposes PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE for default handler as well * extracted "getViewNameForUrlPath(String)" in UrlFilenameViewController, for full compatibility with Spring 1.2.8 * added "alwaysInclude" bean property to InternalResourceView, for enforcing the use of an include (never a forward) * AbstractJasperReportsView automatically converts exporter parameter Strings that start with a digit into Integers * added "getCompletePath()" method to AbstractDataBoundFormElementTag, esposing nested path concatenated with path * fixed ErrorsTag to use complete path as id, including the nested path * removed unnecessary setter assertions for optional properties in FormTag and InputTag Changes in version 2.0.1 (23.11.2006) ------------------------------------- General * included classes in the "test.annotation" and "test.jpa" packages (tiger mock directory) in the Spring API javadoc Package org.springframework.aop * HashMapCachingAdvisorChainFactory uses synchronized access to its method cache Map * AbstractAutoProxyCreator considers all Advices (not just MethodInterceptors) as infrastructure classes to ignore * fixed AbstractAutoProxyCreator to only obtain beans for "interceptorNames" that have been fully initialized already * reworked AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator's "extendCandidateAdvisors" into "extendAdvisors", operating on sorted list * renamed AspectJInvocationContextExposingAdvisorAutoProxyCreator to AspectJAwareAdvisorAutoProxyCreator * removed unintended JDK 1.5 dependency in AspectJExpressionPointcut ("equals"/"hashCode" implementation) * added "order" attribute to "aspect" tag in AOP schema, allowing to declaratively specify ordering for aspect instances * reworked aspect ordering to allow aspect instances to depend on beans that in turn get advised by the same aspect * added @Order annotation support for @AspectJ style aspects, as alternative to implementing the Ordered interface * redesigned AspectJ support SPI: AspectInstanceFactory, AspectJPointcutAdvisor, AspectJAwareAdvisorAutoProxyCreator * renamed DelegatePerTargetObjectDelegatingIntroductionInterceptor to DelegatePerTargetObjectIntroductionInterceptor Package org.springframework.beans * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to correctly determine generic type for each key in a chain (e.g. "myMap[myKey][myInnerKey]") * introduced PatternEditor for "java.util.regex.Pattern", automatically registered when running on JDK 1.4 or higher * Number objects (as property or argument values) are automatically coerced into the target Number type (if necessary) * added CustomMapEditor for Map-to-Map conversion, with a default instance registered for SortedMap * added "equals" and "hashCode" implementations to BeanDefinitionHolder * PropertyValue's copy constructor copies source object as well * ConstructorArgumentValues copies ValueHolder content when merging, and enforces uniqueness of merged ValueHolders * reworked BeanComponentDefinition into subclass of BeanDefinitionHolder, exposing aliases on the bean definition * re-added BeanReferenceFactoryBean, to allow for substituting the target bean name with a placeholder * UnsatisfiedDependencyException message for multiple matches mentions the names of all matching beans * improved "scope is not active" error message to explicitly hint at the singleton-refers-to-scoped-bean problem * factory methods are allowed to return null, with the null value exposed as bean reference * introduced "isTypeMatch" method on BeanFactory interface, allowing for type checks without actually loading the Class * AbstractBeanFactory supports alias chaining, with an alias registered for a bean name that is itself an alias * AbstractBeanFactory uses bean name as cache key for merged bean definitions, to avoid equality matching overhead * AbstractBeanFactory detects circular references between non-singletons and throws a corresponding exception * AbstractBeanFactory overrides an inner bean's singleton status from the merged outer bean (potentially a child def) * removed default for "abstract"/"singleton" attributes in "spring-beans.dtd", for 2.0-style inheritance for inner beans * added "findAutowireCandidates" template method to AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory, superseding "findMatchingBeans" * DefaultListableBeanFactory excludes beans which are not autowire candidates even before it obtains the instances * fixed PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to throw a BeanDefinitionStoreException in case of any circular reference * fixed PluggableSchemaResolver to accept a null ClassLoader argument (falling back to the default ClassLoader) * introduced CompositeComponentDefinition for holding nested components (applied e.g. for "aop:config" element) * introduced "registerComponent" method on ParserContext, for transparent registration of top-level or nested components * reworked AbstractBeanDefinitionParser to only determine id and build holder for top-level bean definition * "util:list/set/map" are now allowed as nested elements as well and do not require an id anymore Package org.springframework.cache * reworked EhCacheFactoryBean to be based on EHCache 1.2's Ehcache interface rather than the concrete Cache class * added "blocking" flag to EhCacheFactoryBean, for decorating the cache with EHCache 1.2's BlockingCache * added "cacheEntryFactory" flag to EhCacheFactoryBean, for decorating with EHCache 1.2's (Updating)SelfPopulatingCache Package org.springframework.context * added serialVersionUID to ApplicationEvent, for serialization compatibility with Spring 1.2 * LocaleContextHolder supports standard ThreadLocal as well as InheritableThreadLocal * EventPublicationInterceptor caches the application event constructor Package org.springframework.core * GenericCollectionTypeResolver correctly detects an array type as element type of a generic collection type * fixed BridgeMethodResolver to always identify an appropriate bridge method (avoid IllegalStateException) * introduced TaskRejectedException, thrown from a TaskExecutor if it does not accept a given task Package org.springframework.instrument * added GlassFishLoadTimeWeaver for GlassFish / Sun Application Server * refactored Java-5-only AbstractOverridingClassLoader into JDK-1.3-compatible OverridingClassLoader in "core" package Package org.springframework.jdbc * introduced AbstractRoutingDataSource and IsolationLevelDataSourceRouter * JdbcTemplate logs all warnings in case of "ignoreWarnings"=true, not just the first warning in the chain * added "setQueryTimeout" method to JdbcTemplate and RdbmsOperation, for specifying a timeout outside of a transaction * removed bind parameter check from SqlOperation, not parsing the SQL anymore at all (relying on JDBC driver instead) Package org.springframework.jms * reimplemented JMSException translation to handle subclasses of standard JMSExceptions in a specific fashion as well * refined AbstractMessageListenerContainer's autodetection of "pubSubDomain" flag to handle WebLogic Topic correctly * DefaultMessageListenerContainer uses its bean name (if specified) as thread name prefix for its default TaskExecutor Package org.springframework.jmx * MBeanExporter uses ObjectName as exposed by returned ObjectInstance after registration (which differs on WebSphere) * MethodExclusionMBeanInfoAssembler operates correctly in case of no "ignoredMethods" specified Package org.springframework.mock * added "isActive()" and "close()" methods to MockHttpServletRequest and MockPortletRequest * MockHttpServletResponse handles HTTP header names as case-insensitive (analogous to MockHttpServletRequest) * added "setOutputStreamAccessAllowed" and "setWriterAccessAllowed" methods to MockHttpServletResponse * unified mock object constructors that take ServletContext/PortletContext/PortalContext arguments * added all of MockPortletRequest's overloaded constructors to MockActionRequest and MockRenderRequest * turned AbstractSingleSpringContextTests's "contextKey" and "loadContext" methods non-final again * AbstractSingleSpringContextTests provides empty default implementation of "getConfigLocations" (not abstract anymore) Package org.springframework.orm * reworked Hibernate session synchronization to properly work with WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup on WAS 6.0/6.1 * fixed Hibernate3 LocalSessionFactoryBean's "schemaUpdate" behavior to not run into an IllegalStateException * LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean detects jar file URL in WebLogic jar entry URLs correctly * PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor always injects transactional EntityManager with extended interfaces (if any) * included OpenJPA support classes (OpenJpaDialect, OpenJpaVendorAdapter), tested against OpenJPA 0.9.6 Package org.springframework.scheduling * TimerFactoryBean uses its bean name as Timer thread name (on JDK 1.5, falling back to a default Timer on JDK 1.3/1.4) * deprecated TimerFactoryBean's "createTimer(daemon)" method in favor of "createTimer(name, daemon)" * ScheduledExecutorFactoryBean does not insist on statically specified ScheduledExecutorTasks anymore * DelegatingWork/Job/TimerTask exposes the wrapped Runnable implementation through a "getDelegate()" method * Concurrent/ThreadPoolTaskExecutor and WorkManagerTaskExecutor throw Spring's TaskRejectedException (when appropriate) * CommonJ TimerManagerFactoryBean cancels all statically registered Timers on shutdown * updated LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool to be compatible with Quartz 1.6 Package org.springframework.test * AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests invokes "onTearDownAfterTransaction" even for a manually completed transaction * fixed AbstractJpaTests to not keep context reference in cache if context refresh failed Package org.springframework.transaction * AbstractPlatformTransactionManager exposes current transaction isolation level via TransactionSynchronizationManager * AbstractPlatformTransactionManager properly resumes all synchronizations even after suspend or inner begin failure * active transaction synchronization gets suspended when going from SUPPORTS/NOT_SUPPORTED into REQUIRED/REQUIRES_NEW * JtaTransactionManager's "doRegisterAfterCompletionWithJtaTransaction" avoids NPE if no current JTA transaction active * TransactionAttributeEditor does not accept transaction attributes with invalid whitespace anymore * fixed AnnotationTransactionAspect to not throw a NoTransactionException in case of transaction begin failure * AnnotationTransactionAspect supports protected and private methods that carry Spring's @Transactional annotation Package org.springframework.ui * deprecated FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory's "templateLoaders" property in favor of "pre/postTemplateLoaders" Package org.springframework.util * "ObjectUtils.toObjectArray(Object)" returns a given Object[] as-is instead of throwing an IllegalArgumentException * added "containsWhitespace" method to StringUtils Package org.springframework.web * ExpressionEvaluationUtils catches any linkage error for the JSP 2.0 API, always falling back to the Jakarta JSTL * WebDataBinder explicitly suppresses field marker prefix values in case of "ignoreUnknownFields" switched off * Servlet/PortletRequestAttributes allow for accessing the session even after the request has been completed * RequestContextHolder supports standard ThreadLocal as well as InheritableThreadLocal * DispatcherServlet/Portlet do not expose LocaleContext/RequestAttributes as inheritable for child threads anymore * added "threadContextInheritable" property to DispatcherServlet and DispatcherPortlet, for explicit choice * factored out protected "buildLocaleContext" and "cleanupMultipart" methods in DispatcherServlet * made AbstractHandlerMapping's "getDefaultHandler()" method public * added public "getHandlerMap()" method to AbstractUrlHandlerMapping, exposing a read-only map of registered handlers * added public "getUrlMap()" method to SimpleUrlHandlerMapping, to allow for adding or overriding individual entries * added overloaded "suppressValidation" version with command object argument to BaseCommandController * added overloaded "isFormChangeRequest" version with command object argument to SimpleFormController * "spring:message" tag detects single expression argument that resolves to an array and processes it as arguments array * "form:errors" tag can now be used in a nested JSP outside the scope of a "form:form" tag * FreeMarkerView exposes all standard FreeMarker hash models now (including session and request parameters) * FreeMarkerView uses the ObjectWrapper as specified in the FreeMarker configuration, rather than always the default * FreeMarkerConfigurer always registers ClassTemplateLoader for its own package (rather than the package of a subclass) * AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView only sets parameter Map on JRExporter instance in case of actual parameters * added "boolean useWriter()" method to AbstractXsltView, allowing to prefer Writer access over OutputStream access * DispatcherPortlet exposes thread-bound request attributes for render requests as well (not just action requests) * DispatcherPortlet restores LocaleContextHolder/RequestContextHolder state (e.g. from surrounding DispatcherServlet) Changes in version 2.0 final (3.10.2006) ---------------------------------------- Package org.springframework.aop * dropped InvocationContextExposingAdvisorAutoProxyCreator base class Package org.springframework.beans * default property editors for primitive wrapper types (Boolean, Integer, etc) turn empty Strings into null values now * ConstructorArgumentValues supports configuration source objects per argument (e.g. keep track of original XML element) * ConfigurableBeanFactory's "setParentBeanFactory" throws IllegalStateException if already associated with a parent * added "getRegisteredScopeNames" and "getRegisteredScope" accessors to ConfigurableBeanFactory interface * added "getConversationId" method to Scope interface (exposing session id for session scope, null for request scope) * introduced BeanMetadataElement interface, giving access to config source object (implemented by BeanDefinition etc) * introduced BeanReference interface, implemented by RuntimeBeanReference as well as RuntimeBeanNameReference * dropped BeanReferenceFactoryBean; use the available alias mechanisms instead * reworked CustomScopeConfigurer to only support Scope instances as values for the "scopes" map * DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry keeps singleton beans in registration order (requires JDK 1.4 or Commons Collections) * AbstractBeanFactory does not explicitly register a given alias that is equal to the canonical bean name * dropped BeanDefinitionRegistryBuilder in favor of refined BeanDefinitionReaderUtils convenience methods * added "getInnerBeanDefinitions()" accessor to ComponentDefinition interface, exposing all relevant inner beans * added Resource argument to SourceExtractor interface, exposing the defining resource for the given source candidate * reworked type matching for FactoryBeans, avoiding repeated recreation/destruction through early "getObjectType" checks * "lookup-method" overrides no-arg method only, to let overloaded variants be implemented in a traditional fashion * added "setAllowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping" config method to DefaultListableBeanFactory, to enable Spring 1.2 behavior * added overloaded AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser's "doParse" template method with a ParserContext argument * moved ComponentDefinition, ReaderContext and support classes from "beans.factory.support" to "beans.factory.parsing" * reworked ReaderEventListener to take AliasDefinition/ImportDefinition argument for alias/import callback, respectively * revised BeanDefinitionParsingException to take a single Problem argument Package org.springframework.cache * EhCacheFactoryBean uses EHCache 1.2's extended Cache constructor to avoid EHCache warning (requires EHCache 1.2 now) Package org.springframework.core * AbstractLabeledEnum uses label as "toString()" representation, analogous to JDK 1.5 enums * StaticLabeledEnum and AbstractGenericLabeledEnum use the code as default label Package org.springframework.jdbc * JdbcTemplate uses "PreparedStatement.setObject(index, null)" for null values with unknown SQL type on Informix * turned visibility of "org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils" to public (again) Package org.springframework.jms * factored out protected "prepareSharedConnection" template method in AbstractMessageListenerContainer * AbstractMessageListenerContainer's "durableSubscriptionName" property defaults to the message listener class name * added "subscriptionDurable" flag to AbstractMessageListenerContainer (set this to "true" to for actual durability!) * added "defaultResponseQueueName" and "defaultResponseTopicName" properties to MessageListenerAdapter * added JMS invoker strategy for service-based remoting via JMS: JmsInvokerServiceExporter, JmsInvokerProxyFactoryBean Package org.springframework.jmx * MBeanExporter's MBean autodetection properly registers multiple beans even if their instances as equal * MBeanExporter's "registerManagedResource" registers a given MBean as-is (only wrapping a plain object as ModelMBean) Package org.springframework.mock * AbstractSingleSpringContextTest's "loadContextLocations()" declares Exception, to allow subclasses to throw exceptions * added MockMultipartFile, MockMultipartHttpServletRequest and MockMultipartActionRequest for testing multipart access Package org.springframework.orm * added overloaded query/insert/update/delete operations without parameter object to SqlMapClientOperations/Template * refined Hibernate3 support to detect Hibernate 3.2's FlushMode.MANUAL as well, while remaining compatible with 3.0/3.1 * factored out AbstractSessionFactoryBean base class from Hibernate3 LocalSessionFactoryBean * Hibernate3 LocalSessionFactoryBean registers filter definitions before loading any mapping files * ScopedBeanInterceptor for Hibernate3 exposes target class name as Hibernate entity name in case of a CGLIB proxy * changed the semantics of AbstractJpaVendorAdapter's "generateDdl" flag to create/update (instead of drop-and-recreate) Package org.springframework.transaction * clarified @Transactional semantics for JDK/CGLIB proxies as well as for AspectJ * AbstractPlatformTransactionManager properly propagates an "afterCommit" synchronization exception to the caller * JtaTransactionManager executes "afterCommit" callbacks even when synchronizing with an existing JTA transaction * factored out TransactionSynchronizationUtils and JtaAfterCompletionSynchronization helper classes * introduced CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager interface, to be implemented by callback-loving PTM impls * TransactionTemplate/TransactionInterceptor automatically detect and use CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager * fixed MethodMapTransactionAttributeSource to avoid unnecessary reinitialization of method map Package org.springframework.util * ClassUtils falls back to the system class loader if the thread context class loader is inaccessible * all class loading is done via "ClassLoader.loadClass(name)" rather than "Class.forName(name, true, ClassLoader)" Package org.springframework.validation * DataBinder matches all field names using their canonical name (for required, allowed and disallowed checks) Package org.springframework.web * clarified MultipartFile constract details * InternalResourceView correctly exports forward attributes on Servlet 2.3- (and preserves existing attributes on 2.4+) * OptionTag and ErrorsTag implement BodyTag interface directly to work around a bug in WebLogic Server 8.1's JSP engine * added "renderPhaseOnly" flag to Portlet WebRequestHandlerInterceptorAdapter, allowing to intercept action phase too * added "applyWebRequestInterceptorsToRenderPhaseOnly" flag to Portlet AbstractHandlerMapping * factored out AbstractMapBasedHandlerMapping base class from Parameter/PortletMode/PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping * renamed PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping's "allowDupParameters" property to "allowDuplicateParameters" Changes in version 2.0 RC4 (17.9.2006) -------------------------------------- General * renamed Spring 2.0 DTD to spring-beans-2.0.dtd, while keeping the Spring 1.2.x DTD as compatible spring-beans.dtd * renamed Spring 2.0 XSDs to spring-beans-2.0.xsd etc, to allow for proper versioning of future additions and changes * spring-beans-2.0.dtd/xsd does not support singleton="true"/"false" anymore. Use scope="singleton/"prototype" instead! * added "spring-agent.jar" to "dist/weavers" directory, containing the agent for Spring's InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver * JPA support is fully tested against Oracle TopLink Essentials v2 b16 as well as Hibernate EntityManager 3.2.0 CR4 * removed ORM support for Apache OJB from the Spring core distribution. OJB support has been moved to Spring Modules. * declared all internal ThreadLocal variables as final (to avoid potential class reloading issues) Package org.springframework.aop * replaced all use of AOP Alliance AspectException with AopInvocationException/AopConfigException/IllegalStateException * Cglib2AopProxy exposes additional interfaces of a CGLIB-enhanced target bean on a CGLIB AOP proxy as well * fixed PointcutAdvisor support classes to avoid eager access to Advice and Pointcut from "hashCode()"/"toString()" * added "getTargetObject" method to ScopedObject interface, allowing for access to the raw object in the target scope * fixed AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator to lazily retrieve aspect singletons (only once a pointcut matches) * fixed @Configurable support to correctly identify the class name even for a CGLIB proxy Package org.springframework.beans * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to return a Collection/Map as-is if it is not accessible (e.g. because it is a scoped proxy) * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to always use a valid read-write type for a converted collection/map (never use original class) * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to properly resolve even nested generic Collections and Maps (List of Map, Map of List, etc) * renamed PropertyAccessExceptionsException to PropertyBatchUpdateException and explicitly declared when it is thrown * added "destroyBean" method to ConfigurableBeanFactory interface, for destroying a given instance based on a bean def * added support for destruction callbacks to Scope abstraction, driven by a BeanFactory's definition for a scoped bean * PropertyResourceConfigurer, CustomEditorConfigurer and CustomScopeConfigurer use highest Ordered precendence now * fixed FieldRetrievingFactoryBean to return "false" from "isSingleton()", since it reobtains the field value every time * FieldRetrievingFactoryBean and PropertyPathFactoryBean trim whitespace in all given names (even within the String) * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to accept re-registration of alias for same bean name (-> bean definition overriding) * reworked AbstractBeanFactory's alias handling to support local alias definitions for a bean in the parent BeanFactory * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory only logs name and class of eagerly cached bean (does not trigger toString anymore) * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory catches any exception from BeanPostProcessor and wraps it in BeanCreationException * DefaultListableBeanFactory's "preInstantiateSingletons" only fetches the FactoryBean instance (instead of its object) * reworked DefaultListableBeanFactory's beans-by-type lookup to ignore beans that have been overridden by an alias * inner bean definitions inherit the singleton status of their containing bean even if generated by namespace handler * fixed method overrides check to accept methods declared on interfaces as well * removed deprecated BeanFactoryBootstrap class Package org.springframework.cache * EhCacheManagerFactoryBean creates an independent CacheManager instance by default now (requires EHCache 1.2) * added "shared" flag to EhCacheManagerFactoryBean, allowing to explicitly ask for a shared CacheManager instance * refined EhCacheManagerFactoryBean to use pass in an InputStream instead of a URL for CacheManager initialization Package org.springframework.context * exposed AbstractApplicationContext's "registerShutdownHook()" method in ConfigurableApplicationContext interface * reverted AbstractApplicationContext to not inherit ClassLoader from parent context by default (as up until 2.0 RC1) * added appropriate "equals"/"hashCode" implementations to DefaultMessageSourceResolvable Package org.springframework.core * fixed SpringVersion to return null if the package is not determinable because of ClassLoader restrictions * ResourceArrayPropertyEditor always preserves order of resource entries, even on JDK 1.3 without Commons Collections * PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver ignores classpath roots that cannot be resolved as jar or in file system Package org.springframework.ejb * introduced EjbAccessException as replacement of AOP Alliance AspectException in local/remote SLSB invoker interceptors Package org.springframework.instrument * removed unused AbstractLoadTimeWeaver and AspectJWeavingTransformer classes * reworked ReflectiveLoadTimeWeaver to cache Method references and consider "getThrowawayClassLoader" as optional * fixed AbstractOverridingClassLoader to override "loadClass(name, resolve)" and correctly synchronize its variables * fixed and reworked AbstractOverridingClassLoader's facility for excluding class names * added OC4JLoadTimeWeaver for Oracle OC4J Package org.springframework.jca * SingleConnectionFactory's Connection proxy implements "equals" and "hashCode" based on proxy equality * factored out "resetConnection", "prepareConnection" and "closeConnection" methods in SingleConnectionFactory Package org.springframework.jdbc * refined DataSourceUtils to catch Throwable on "Connection.close()" * DataSourceUtils uses lower synchronization order for delegating handles (such as from TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy) * SingleConnectionDataSource's Connection proxy implements "equals" and "hashCode" based on proxy equality * factored out "resetConnection", "prepareConnection" and "closeConnection" methods in SingleConnectionDataSource * CommonsDbcpNativeJdbcExtractor supports original Commons DBCP as well as Tomcat 5.5's relocated version * revised JBossNativeJdbcExtractor to unwrap ResultSet even for WrappedResultSet subclasses (requires JBoss 3.2.4+ now) * DataSourceLookup throws DataSourceLookupFailureException instead of DataAccessResourceFailureException * added SingleDataSourceLookup, exposing a single given DataSource for any data source name * added AbstractInterruptibleBatchPreparedStatementSetter base class, with single "setValuesIfAvailable" callback method * added default SQL error codes for the Apache Derby database Package org.springframework.jms * SingleConnectionFactory's Connection proxy implements "equals" and "hashCode" based on proxy equality * SingleConnectionFactory's Connection proxy ignores "stop()" calls as well (not just "close()" calls) * factored out "resetConnection", "prepareConnection" and "closeConnection" methods in SingleConnectionFactory * added "exceptionListener" and "reconnectOnException" properties to SingleConnectionFactory * JmsTemplate and AbstractMessageListenerContainer call "stop()" on a Connection before closing it (if started before) * DefaultMessageListenerContainer does not block on startup until it can establish a shared Connection (if necessary) * added support for synchronized local JMS transactions (alongside some other main transaction) to JmsTemplate * added TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy, including support for synchronized local JMS transactions Package org.springframework.orm * iBATIS support works correctly with "useTransactionAwareDataSource" and JTA transaction resume with subsequent access * reintroduced default SQLExceptionTranslator in JdoAccessor/JdoTransactionManager/LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean * HibernateTemplate exposes Session proxies that implement the SessionImplementor interface as well now (if possible) * exception translation for Hibernate3 turns PropertyValueException into Spring's DataIntegrityViolationException * exception translation for Hibernate3 keeps original JDBCException as root cause of Spring's HibernateJdbcException * added ScopedBeanInterceptor for Hibernate3, exposing the raw target class as entity name in case of a scoped proxy * LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean and JdoTemplate perform full exception translation even for reflective calls * expose underlying PersistenceProvider instance in EntityManagerFactoryInfo (if available) * added "persistenceProvider" property to AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean, for using a shared PersistenceProvider * JpaVendorAdapter exposes a shared PersistenceProvider instance rather than just the PersistenceProvider class * added PersistenceUnitManager interface and DefaultPersistenceUnitManager implementation (in "jpa.persistenceunit") * added "persistenceUnitManager" bean property to LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean (default is internal manager) * "dataSourceLookup"/"dataSources" configuration is now available on DefaultPersistenceUnitManager instead of LCEMFB * "postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo" hook method is now available on DefaultPersistenceUnitManager instead of LCEMFB * introduced PersistenceUnitPostProcessor interface, to be registered on DefaultPersistenceUnitManager or LCEMFB * introduced MutablePersistenceUnitInfo base class, to turn SpringPersistenceUnitInfo to package-protected again * PersistenceUnitReader searches for "classpath*:**/SCHEMA_NAME" last, and catches and logs any IOException thrown * added support for custom JPA properties to SharedEntityManagerBean/JpaTransactionManager/JpaInterceptor/JpaTemplate * added support for custom JPA properties to OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor * PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor supports @PersistenceContext's "properties", passed into "createEntityManager" * PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor does not cache EntityManagerFactory instances anymore, to allow for new EMFs * PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor throws IllegalStateException instead of NoSuchBeanDefinitionException Package org.springframework.mock * added support for attributes which implement the Servlet 2.3 HttpSessionBindingListener interface to MockHttpSession Package org.springframework.remoting * added service URL check to UrlBasedRemoteAccessor, in the form of an InitializingBean implementation * refined cache synchronization in (Jndi)RmiClientInterceptor and JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor * reworked RmiClientInterceptor to throw RemoteLookupFailureException instead of MalformedURLException/RemoteException * reworked Hessian/BurlapClientInterceptor to throw RemoteLookupFailureException instead of MalformedURLException * Hessian/BurlapClientInterceptor configure a Hessian/BurlapProxyFactory directly (dropped CauchoRemoteAccessor) * added "serializerFactory" and "sendCollectionType" properties to HessianClientInterceptor/ProxyFactoryBean * added "serializerFactory" property to HessianServiceExporter, applied to HessianInput/Output objects * HessianServiceExporter is compatible with the Hessian 2 protocol (Hessian version 3.0.20+) as well as classic Hessian Package org.springframework.scheduling * Spring's Quartz support requires Quartz 1.5 or higher now * added support for Quartz 1.5 JobFactory to SchedulerFactoryBean, through "jobFactory" bean property * SchedulerFactoryBean uses AdaptableJobFactory as default, which also supports Runnables as job class * added SpringBeanJobFactory as subclass of AdaptableJobFactory, as JobFactory replacement for QuartzJobBean * JobDetailBean allows any job class to be specified, to allow a JobFactory to adapt any class to the Job interface * added "jobDataAsMap" property to Simple/CronTriggerBean, supporting the Quartz 1.5 notion of trigger-specific job data * MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean always creates durable JobDetails (just like it also sets the volatile flag) Package org.springframework.scripting * fixed BshScriptFactory to correctly handle void, null, and primitive return values * fixed JRubyScriptFactory to handle "toString()" invocations locally on the JRuby object proxy Package org.springframework.test * AbstractSpringContextTests calls ConfigurableApplicationContext's "registerShutdownHook()" for each context instance * factored out concrete loading of a single context from specified config locations to AbstractSingleSpringContextTests * restricted visibilities and stronger use of final in AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests Package org.springframework.transaction * added "afterCommit" callback to TransactionSynchronization interface * fixed TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor to avoid potential NPE in TransactionAttributeSourcePointcut's "hashCode" Package org.springframework.validation * added "getPropertyEditorRegistry" method to BindingResult interface, for re-registering custom editors * AbstractBindingResult's "addAllErrors" only accepts Errors instance with same object name * added appropriate "toString" implementation to AbstractBindingResult * added appropriate "equals"/"hashCode" implementations to AbstractBindingResult and BindException * added appropriate "equals"/"hashCode" implementations to ObjectError and FieldError Package org.springframework.web * ExpressionEvaluationUtils falls back to Jakarta JSTL if JSP 2.0 ExpressionEvaluator API present but not implemented * added support for attribute destruction callbacks to RequestAttributes abstraction + Servlet/PortletRequestAttributes * introduced "requestCompleted()" method in AbstractRequestAttributes base class for Servlet/PortletRequestAttributes * adapted TagUtils to accept subclassed parent tag as expected ancestor too (e.g. OptionTag within subclassed SelectTag) * AbstractJasperReportsView converts exporter parameter values "true"/"false" to Boolean.TRUE/FALSE * removed deprecated FormatHelper from XSLT view package * fixed various JSP form tag issues Changes in version 2.0 RC3 (10.8.2006) -------------------------------------- General * spring.jar does not include Portlet support anymore (add spring-portlet.jar to your classpath if needed) Package org.springframework.aop * factored out AbstractGenericPointcutAdvisor (with a configurable Advice) as subclass of AbstractPointcutAdvisor * fixed AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator to ignore Advisors for which "getBean" throws a BeanCurrentlyInCreationException * fixed AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator to explicitly ignore FactoryBeans when looking for aspect beans * reworked AspectJ auto-proxy creation to avoid the creation of unnecessary proxies * renamed ScopedObject's "remove" method to "removeFromScope", to avoid conflicts with methods on the target class Package org.springframework.beans * added overloaded "setPropertyValues" variant with additional "ignoreInvalidFields" flag to PropertyAccessor * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to properly catch and wrap conversion failures for map keys/values in TypeMismatchExceptions * introduced TypeConverter interface, implemented by BeanWrapperImpl, plus separate SimpleTypeConverter implementation * refined PropertyAccessExceptionsException to show nested details even when wrapped in a standard JDK exception * reworked ArgumentConvertingMethodInvoker to use a TypeConverter and allow the converter to be accessed/overridden * BeanFactoryUtils returns bean names in order of definition even for merged name arrays (in case of ancestor factories) * redefined BeanFactoryUtils' "countBeans/beanNamesIncludingAncestors" to build on "getBeanNamesOfType(Object.class)" * reworked InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor's "postProcessPropertyValues" method to take a PropertyDescriptor array * RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor explicitly ignores special setter methods (such as "setBeanName"/"setBeanFactory") * added "copyConfigurationFrom" method to ConfigurableBeanFactory, allowing to create a factory with same configuration * exposed "getScope" and "setScope" methods on BeanDefinition interface, allowing a post-processor to override the scope * DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry disallows the creation (or recreation) of singletons during "destroySingletons()" phase * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to only invoke BeanPostProcessor for objects returned from FactoryBeans if non-null * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to throw BeanCurrentlyInCreationException on null from non-fully-initialized FactoryBean * AbstractBeanFactory's "getType" catches BeanCreationExceptions for a FactoryBean, treating it as "type unknown" * AbstractBeanFactory catches an exception thrown from a FactoryBean's "getObjectType", treating it as "type unknown" * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory detects whether it injected raw instances of beans that eventually got wrapped * refined AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory to only adapt inner bean names for uniqueness in case of a singleton * refined AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory to reject an inner bean marked as singleton contained in a non-singleton * DefaultListableBeanFactory's non-eager lookup by type finds matches for lazy-init beans as long as class is loadable * added "setAllowEagerClassLoading" method to DefaultListableBeanFactory, to allow for turning off eager class loading * restored Spring 1.2 compatibility for default-lazy-init="true", with respect to detection of special beans by type * "idref" tag in XML bean definitions gets turned into a RuntimeBeanNameReference, which gets validated on bean creation * XML definitions for inner beans receive a default scope based on their containing bean (prototype for a non-singleton) * DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader does not accept bean definitions with both "scope" and "singleton" values anymore Package org.springframework.context * added "isActive()" method to the ConfigurableApplicationContext interface * AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext disallows access to underlying BeanFactory after a "close()" call * avoid AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext deadlock in case of BeanFactory access in a multi-threaded destroy method Package org.springframework.core * fixed PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver to prevent eternal recursion in case of invalid prefix with pattern symbols Package org.springframework.dao * factored out reusable PersistenceExceptionTranslationInterceptor from PersistenceExceptionTranslationAdvisor Package org.springframework.jdbc * worked around "oracle.sql.DATE" problem on certain Oracle driver versions, extracting it as timestamp when appropriate * check for ResultSetSupportingSqlParameter superclass instead of SqlOutParameter and SqlReturnResultSet subclasses * factored out Spring/JtaLobCreatorSynchronization classes from Hibernate AbstractLobType to "jdbc.support.lob" package Package org.springframework.jms * introduced CachingDestinationResolver interface, implemented by JndiDestinationResolver (allowing to clear the cache) * JmsTransactionManager starts the transactional Session's Connection early (at transaction begin) rather than on demand * optimized JmsTemplate's resource handling to reuse the obtained JMS Connection/Session within a JTA transaction * added "clientId" property to SingleConnectionFactory(102), for assigning a client id to the underlying Connection * added "clientId" property to AbstractMessageListenerContainer, for assigning a client id to the underlying Connection * AbstractMessageListenerContainer supports individual Connections per listener as alternative to a shared Connection * DefaultMessageListenerContainer obtains all JMS resources fresh by default in case of "transactionManager" specified * added "cacheLevel"/"cacheLevelName" property to DefaultMessageListenerContainer, for overriding the default caching * DefaultMessageListenerContainer is able to recover from a broken Connection (both with and without cached Connection) * DefaultMessageListenerContainer is able to recover from a broken Destination if obtained via JndiDestinationResolver * DefaultMessageListenerContainer waits until all listener tasks have completed before returning from "destroy" * added "taskExecutor" property to SimpleMessageListenerContainer, allowing to execute listener in different thread * added protected "buildListenerArguments" template method to MessageListenerAdapter, allowing for multiple arguments Package org.springframework.orm * refined iBATIS SqlMapClientTemplate to allow for nested calls to same SqlMapSession (checking "getCurrentConnection") * reworked Hibernate JTA synch to expose beforeCompletion exceptions to the caller (via SpringJtaSynchronizationAdapter) * updated TopLink API jar to be fully compatible with the official TopLink 10.1.3 release jar (can be replaced with it) * Hibernate3 and TopLink LocalSessionFactoryBeans implement the PersistenceExceptionTranslator interface now * reworked Hibernate3 and TopLink exception translation to only apply a SQLExceptionTranslator if explicitly specified * JDO LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean implements the PersistenceExceptionTranslator interface now * DefaultJdoDialect only applies a SQLExceptionTranslator if explicitly specified (rely on default JDO translation else) * removed warning for read-only from JdoTransactionManager/JpaTransactionManager, since a vendor dialect may support it * factored out overridable "createEntityManager" template methods in OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter/Interceptor * EntityManagerFactoryInfo interface does not extend PersistenceExceptionTranslator anymore (only JpaDialect does) * SpringPersistenceUnitInfo is public to allow for post-processing in LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean subclass * added "determinePersistenceUnitInfo/postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo" methods to LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean * reworked OpenSession/PersistenceManager/EntityManagerInViewInterceptor to build on WebRequestInterceptor abstraction * dropped PortletOpenSession/PersistenceManager/EntityManagerInViewInterceptor in favor of WebRequestInterceptor model Package org.springframework.mock * MockHttpServletRequest handles HTTP header names as case-insensitive Package org.springframework.remoting * added "registryClientSocketFactory" bean property to RmiClientInterceptor/RmiProxyFactoryBean * added dedicated "prepare()" method to JndiRmiServiceExporter Package org.springframework.scheduling * renamed SchedulingTaskExecutor's "isShortLivedPreferred" method to "prefersShortLivedTasks" Package org.springframework.scripting * ScriptFactoryPostProcessor supports all callbacks that containing BeanFactory supports (e.g. ApplicationContextAware) Package org.springframework.test * AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests only tries to end transaction on "tearDown" if the transaction is still active Package org.springframework.transaction * fixed AbstractPlatformTransactionManager to not invoke commit synchronization in case of propagated rollback-only flag * added SpringJtaSynchronizationAdapter, exposing JTA Synchronization ifc on top of a Spring TransactionSynchronization * added "timeout" attribute to Transactional annotation, allowing to specify a timeout in seconds within the annotation Package org.springframework.util * optimized "ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString" implementation to return a given String right away Package org.springframework.validation * added "ignoreInvalidFields" flag to DataBinder, allowing to ignore inaccessible fields (null value in nested path) Package org.springframework.web * redefined Servlet/PortletRequestUtils to treat empty parameter values as valid for Strings ("") and booleans (false) * moved RequestScope/SessionScope and RequestContextListener from "web.context.scope" to "web.context.request" * added WebRequest abstraction, with ServletWebRequest and PortletWebRequest implementations * added WebRequestInterceptor interface, for generic request interceptors (independent of Servlet/Portlet) * added support for WebRequestInterceptors to Servlet/Portlet MVC HandlerMappings (through "interceptors" property) * renamed PortletBean to GenericPortletBean * HttpServletBean/GenericPortletBean override "getXXXXletName"/"getXXXXletContext" to return null when no config set yet * added "defaultLocale" property to CookieLocaleResolver and SessionLocaleResolver, for fallback to an explicit locale Changes in version 2.0 RC2 (6.7.2006) ------------------------------------- General * added showcases to "samples" directory * various documentation clarifications * restored compatibility with IBM JDK 1.3 (with respect to referring to constants defined in implemented interfaces) Package org.springframework.aop * JdkDynamicAopProxy delegates "equals"/"hashCode" calls to target if "equals"/"hashCode" is defined on proxy interface * Advisors used in combination with an advisor auto-proxy creator can now use beans which get adviced themselves * moved AbstractAutoProxyCreator's "shouldSkip" check from "isInfrastructureClass" to "postProcessAfterInitialization" * reworked AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator to avoid fetching of all candidate Advisors on startup * AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator performs BeanFactory-based prototype cycle check instead of control flow check Package org.springframework.beans * factored out SingletonBeanRegistry interface from ConfigurableBeanFactory interface * factored out DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry base class from AbstractBeanFactory * added "isCurrentlyInCreation" method to ConfigurableBeanFactory interface * reworked AbstractBeanFactory to allow for prototype cycle check for current thread * fixed AbstractBeanFactory's "isBeanNameUsed" to correctly synchronize access to "dependentBeanMap" * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory creates "depends-on" beans even before resolving a bean's class * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory does not apply bean post-processors to "synthetic" beans * AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory accepts null values returned from BeanPostProcessors * added "synthetic" flag to AbstractBeanDefinition, for marking beans as internal infrastructure beans * XmlBeanDefinitionReader uses given ResourceLoader/ApplicationContext's ClassLoader for schema resolution * MethodInvokingFactoryBean returns "void.class" instead of "VoidType.class" for void methods Package org.springframework.context * AbstractApplicationContext uses the ClassLoader of its parent ApplicationContext (if any) as default * turned ApplicationObjectSupport's "getApplicationContext()" method from public to protected (for consistency) Package org.springframework.core * NestedXxxException classes build nicer messages in case of root cause with no base exception message * added "getClassLoader()" method to ResourceLoader, exposing the ClassLoader for direct access * adapted PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver to always use the ResourceLoader's ClassLoader * added "getResourcePatternResolver(ResourceLoader)" utility method to ResourcePatternUtils Package org.springframework.jdbc * reworked JDBC 3.0 savepoint support to use self-generated savepoint names (to avoid unnamed savepoints on IBM DB2) * removed "S0" from default SQL state list in SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator: it does not mean bad SQL on MS SQL Server * SqlQuery and SqlUpdate correctly handle a named parameter with a list of values now Package org.springframework.jms * added support for durable subscriptions to message listener containers, driven by "durableSubscriptionName" property Package org.springframework.jmx * MBeanRegistrationSupport only logs a warning (no error) when an MBean does not exist anymore when trying to unregister Package org.springframework.orm * LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean detects and reads all "META-INF/persistence.xml" files on the class path * LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean determines persistence unit root URL based on each "persistence.xml" location * JdoTransactionManager uses JDO 2.0's rollback-only facility if available * JpaTransactionManager uses JPA's rollback-only facility now, for better integration with the persistence provider * JpaTransactionManager throws UnexpectedRollbackException in case of JPA RollbackException thrown from commit * refined JPA exception translation to throw EmptyResultDataAccessException in case of JPA NoResultException * refined JPA exception translation to throw IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException in case of JPA NonUniqueResult * refined JPA exception translation to throw DataIntegrityViolationException in case of JPA EntityExistsException * refined JPA exception translation to throw InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException in case of JPA TransactionRequired * refined Hib exception translation to throw InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in case of Hibernate ObjectDeleted * refined Hib exception translation to throw IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException in case of Hibernate NonUniqueResult Package org.springframework.remoting * JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor/JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean allow for direct "customPropertyMap[myKey]" access Package org.springframework.scheduling * Quartz SchedulerFactoryBean uses given "nonTransactionalDataSource" as default DataSource if no "dataSource" specified Package org.springframework.test * AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests properly ends a started transaction early if "onSetupInTransaction" fails Package org.springframework.transaction * JtaTransactionManager explicitly only calls "UserTransaction.setRollbackOnly()" if the transaction is still active Package org.springframework.validation * clarified that "Errors.reject" always registers a global error for the entire target object * "Errors.rejectValue" now accepts an empty field name to indicate the current object itself rather than a field of it Package org.springframework.web * added/moved constants for all Servlet spec include/forward request attributes to WebUtils * added "getWebApplicationContext"/"getAutowireMode"/"getDependencyCheck" methods to Autowiring(Tiles)RequestProcessor * DispatcherServlet logs its page-not-found warnings with the actual lookup URL even for import requests * InternalResourceView exposes all forward request attributes (delegating to "WebUtils.exposeForwardRequestAttributes") * RequestContext's "getContextPath()" always exposes the context path for the originating request now * added "getQueryString" method to RequestContext, exposing query string for originating request (even after forward) * fixed various JSP form tag issues Changes in version 2.0 RC1 (20.6.2006) -------------------------------------- General * completed reference documentation * fixed various documentation issues * spring.jar includes all standard modules except for the Hibernate2 support (which has been superseded by Hibernate3) * basic download only contains reference PDF: no HTML variant and API docs anymore (only in -with-dependencies now!) Package org.springframework.aop * fixed AspectJAutoProxyCreator to avoid NPE in case of abstract beans without bean class specified Package org.springframework.beans * FactoryBeans are allowed to return null values now, with FactoryBeanNotInitializedException to be thrown by themselves * fixed AbstractBeanFactory's "getType" to avoid NPE in case of a bean definition without bean class * AbstractBeanFactory uses inverse order of bean instantiation for shutdown even without dependency relationships * fixed DefaultListableBeanFactory to not call "FactoryBean.getObject()" for prototype if bean class not resolved yet * avoid ClassNotFoundException in case of explicit type specified on "value" tag * resolve target type of a TypedStringValue lazily, consistent with the handling of bean classes * moved parsing-related support classes from "beans.factory"/"beans.factory.support" to "beans.factory.parsing" Package org.springframework.core * StaticLabeledEnum offers its "readResolve" method with protected visibility, to kick in for subclasses as well Package org.springframework.ejb * fixed AbstractSlsbInvokerInterceptor to reobtain createMethod in case of cacheHome="false"/lookupHomeOnStartup="true" Package org.springframework.jms * added "cacheSessions" flag to DefaultMessageListenerContainer, to be turned off for reobtaining Sessions per receive * added "handleListenerSetupFailure" callback to DefaultMessageListenerContainer, a sibling of "handleListenerException" * DefaultMessageListenerContainer invokes a specified JMS ExceptionListener for listener setup failures as well Package org.springframework.orm * removed LocalSessionFactoryBean's early "buildMappings" call to avoid side effects with AnnotationSessionFactoryBean * HibernateTransactionManager explicitly disconnects a pre-bound Session after a transaction (on Hibernate 3.1+) * Hibernate Open-Session-In-View's deferred close mode always switches its Sessions to FlushMode.NEVER until closing * refined HibernateTemplate to never register a Session for deferred close in case of "alwaysUseNewSession"=true * removed special Session reconnection check for Hibernate 3.1 RC1 * renamed ContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean to "LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean" * fixed LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean to always look for "META-INF/persistence.xml" in class path by default * JpaTransactionManager autodetects the JDBC DataSource of the target EntityManagerFactory Package org.springframework.samples * added JPA support to PetClinic: EntityManagerClinic and JpaTemplateClinic, with TopLink Essentials as default provider Package org.springframework.scheduling * added "jobListenerNames" bean property to MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean Package org.springframework.scripting * fixed "spring-lang.xsd" to allow for multiple nested property elements Package org.springframework.web * fixed (the deprecated) BindUtils to not call "ValidatorUtils.invokeValidator" if no Validator given * fixed Servlet/PortletRequestAttributes to correctly update accessed attributes * turned WebContentGenerator's method constants public again, for calling "setSupportedMethods" in subclasses * FrameworkPortlet now catches all RuntimeException/Errors and rethrows them as PortletException * PortletContentGenerator response preperation operates on RenderRequest and RenderResponse only * changed Portlet HandlerInterceptor interface to have explicit callback methods for action/render requests * Portlet HandlerInterceptorAdapter allows to adapt the specific action/render callback methods to general callbacks * Portlet OpenXxxInViewInterceptors just wrap the render request, not the action request anymore * VelocityView and FreeMarkerView do not override content type previously set on HTTP response anymore (on Servlet 2.4+) * moved content type handling from VelocityView and FreeMarkerView up to AbstractTemplateView * fixed various JSP form tag issues Changes in version 2.0 M5 (1.6.2006) ------------------------------------ General * spring.jar is now all-encompassing, including all modules (with the exception of mock and aspects) * spring-aop.jar does not contain AOP Alliance interfaces (in contrast to spring.jar); explicitly add aopalliance.jar Package org.springframework.aop * reworked support for scoped proxies to build on scoping support in core BeanFactory * removed incomplete support for ScopedObject handles and persistent scopes * removed deprecated AttributesPooling/Prototype/ThreadLocalTargetSourceCreator * removed unused Class argument from ParameterNameDiscoverer's "getParameterNames(Method)" * reworked ProxyFactoryBean's "setProxyInterfaces" method from String array to Class array * reworked ProxyFactoryBean to use the ClassLoader passed in through BeanClassLoaderAware * factored out AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean from TransactionProxyFactoryBean Package org.springframework.beans * introduced lazy loading (and lazy validation) of bean classes in standard bean factories and bean definition readers * redefined ListableBeanFactory's "includeFactoryBeans" flag for "getBean(Name)sOfType" into "allowEagerInit" * introduced BeanClassLoaderAware interface, for passing the factory's class loader to beans that resolve class names * reworked all FactoryBeans that resolve class names to leverage the BeanClassLoaderAware mechanism * PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is able to resolve placeholders in lazily loaded bean class names * added support for PropertyEditorRegistrars to ConfigurableBeanFactory, for non-synchronized usage of custom editors * CustomEditorConfigurer supports PropertyEditorRegistrars, to be applied to its containing BeanFactory * reworked ConfigurableBeanFactoryUtils into ResourceEditorRegistrar * added "postProcessPropertyValues" callback method to InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor interface * reworked RequiredBeanFactoryPostProcessor into RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor, properly handling bean inheritance * added scoping support to core BeanFactory, for creating raw target beans in arbitrary scopes * added "scope" attribute at bean level to XML bean definition format, superseding singleton="true"/"false" * renamed XmlBeanDefinitionReader's (Default)XmlBeanDefinitionParser SPI to (Default)BeanDefinitionDocumentReader * renamed XmlBeanDefinitionParserHelper to BeanDefinitionParserDelegate * re-introduced Spring 1.2 XmlBeanDefinitionParser SPI for backwards compatibility in case of "parserClass" specified Package org.springframework.context * synchronized AbstractApplicationContext's "refresh()" method, for hot refreshing in concurrent environments Package org.springframework.core * renamed GenericsHelper to GenericCollectionTypeResolver, more clearly reflecting its actual role * AnnotationUtils discovers annotations inherited via bridge methods now, through the new BridgeMethodResolver Package org.springframework.dao * added generic PersistenceExceptionTranslator mechanism, supported by the JpaDialect abstraction for JPA providers * added PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor, for automatic translation to DataAccessExceptions Package org.springframework.instrument * introduced class instrumentation support based on standard ClassFileTransformers (used by JPA SPI support) * introduced LoadTimeWeaver abstraction for instrumentation-aware ClassLoaders plus throwaway ClassLoader support Package org.springframework.jdbc * refined default SQL error codes for DB2 and HSQLDB * removed deprecated special check for DB2 error codes - always use "DB2*" as database product name for DB2 * reworked SimpleJdbcDaoSupport/NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport initialization to work without afterPropertiesSet as well Package org.springframework.orm * Hibernate3 LocalSessionFactoryBean explicitly calls "buildMappings()" to prepare Configuration metadata for subclasses * fixed JpaTransactionManager to not cause an NPE when the creation of a transactional EntityManager raises an exception * fixed JpaInterceptor to actually bind a new EntityManager to the thread again (worked in M3, didn't work in M4) * fixed EntityManagerFactoryUtils's "convertJpaAccessException" to always return rather than throw DataAccessExceptions * added full support for JPA SPI, in the form of a ContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean with LoadTimeWeaver support * added JpaVendorAdapter abstraction, with out-of-the-box TopLinkJpaVendorAdapter and HibernateJpaVendorAdapter * added PersistenceAnnotationPostProcessor, processing EJB3-style @PersistenceUnit and @PersistenceContext annotations Package org.springframework.test * added support classes for annotation-based tests in general and for JPA-based tests in particular Package org.springframework.transaction * added "failEarlyOnGlobalRollbackOnly" flag to AbstractPlatformTransactionManager, for consistent fail-early behavior Package org.springframework.util * "ClassUtils.isPresent" logs exception message only instead of full stacktrace for classes that haven't been found * introduced PatternMatchUtils, for unified matching of Spring's typical "xxx*", "*xxx" and "*xxx*" pattern styles Package org.springframework.validation * reworked ValidationUtils to not accept a null Validator for "invokeValidator" anymore * added "setDisallowedFields" method to DataBinder, for specifying disallowed fields instead of allowed fields Package org.springframework.web * reworked mvc RequestHandler interface into HttpRequestHandler in root web package, to minimize module dependencies * reworked RequestMethodNotSupportedException into HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException in root web package * reworked SessionRequiredException into HttpSessionRequiredException and PortletSessionRequiredException * added HttpRequestHandlerServlet to "web.context.support" package, for exposing a single HttpRequestHandler bean * dropped "getCause()" method from NestedServletException, to avoid conflicts with JDK-1.4-based ServletException class * added support for request and session scopes to all WebApplicationContexts * moved StaticPortletApplicationContext from test tree over to main source tree * fixed SimpleMappingExceptionResolver to use local "exceptionMappings" reference * factored out reusable "prepareBinder" method in BaseCommandController, for easier overriding of "createBinder" * InternalResourceView exposes Servlet 2.4 forward request attributes even for Servlet 2.3- * added "getOriginatingRequestUri" method to UrlPathHelper, detecting the Servlet 2.4 request URI attribute in a forward * refined JSP form tag library Changes in version 2.0 M4 (23.4.2006) ------------------------------------- General * included "tiger" and "aspectj" source trees in source build (spring-src.zip) * included spring-src.zip in both release distributions as a convenience * basic distribution doesn't include build script and exploded source trees anymore Package org.springframework.aop * fixed Cglib2AopProxy to register an explicitly given ClassLoader with the CGLIB Enhancer * deprecated Commons Attributes based TargetSourceCreators (PoolingAttribute, PrototypeAttribute, ThreadLocalAttribute) * fixed CustomizableTraceInterceptor to expose the actual invocation time for exception messages * added "trackAllInvocations" flag to JamonPerformanceMonitorInterceptor, for gathering statistics without logging * auto-proxying works for objects created by FactoryBeans as well (rather than just on FactoryBean instances themselves) * BeanNameAutoProxyCreator always proxies exposed objects, with "&beanName" syntax for proxying FactoryBean instances * renamed "aspectj.autoproxy.AspectJAutoProxyCreator" to "aspectj.annotation.AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator" Package org.springframework.beans * BeanUtils throws explicit BeanInstantiationException in case of bean instantiation failure * deprecated BeanUtils's "isAssignable" methods in favor of new "isAssignable"/"isAssignableValue" methods on ClassUtils * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to convert a null input for an array type to a null value rather than an array with null element * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to apply property-specific editors to elements even for collections without generic type * refined BeanWrapperImpl to apply map key conversion on property access as well, not just on property setting * refined BeanWrapperImpl to inject original collections as far as possible (i.e. unless element conversion necessary) * refined BeanWrapperImpl to correctly detect element type of collections with parameterization in superclass/interface * BeanWrapperImpl does not register a StringArrayPropertyEditor by default anymore * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to convert a ManagedProperties instance into a plain Properties instance before applying it * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to fall back to approximate collection/map type if it cannot reinstantiate given collection/map * fixed BeanArrayPropertyEditor to translate null value to null byte array * added CharArrayPropertyEditor to translate String value into char array * CharacterEditor supports unicode specification passed in as literal String, for example "\u00F6" * refined FileEditor to treat absolute file paths as straight files (no ResourceLoader), for Spring 1.2 compatibility * PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer catches and logs SecurityException on system property access, continuing resolution * FieldRetrievingFactoryBean is able to access non-public fields as well * added "propertiesArray" bean property to PropertiesFactoryBean, for merging multiple local Properties instances * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to avoid potential deadlock on singleton destruction with concurrent singleton creation * AbstractBeanFactory always registers inner beans with a unique name, adapting overlapping names accordingly * AbstractBeanFactory caches objects returned from "FactoryBean.getObject()" now, in case of a singleton object * BeanPostProcessor's "postProcessAfterInitialization" gets applied to objects created by FactoryBeans as well * BeanPostProcessor's "postProcessAfterInitialization" gets applied after "postProcessBeforeInstantiation" as well * fixed DefaultListableBeanFactory to not preinstantiate bean definition if explicit singleton object already registered * added "loadBeanDefinitions(String[] locations)" method to BeanDefinitionReader and AbstractBeanDefinitionReader * added Requiered annotation and RequiredBeanFactoryPostProcessor, allowing to enforce required bean properties Package org.springframework.context * refined AbstractMessageSource to resolve arguments eagerly, for message defined in parent and msg arg defined in child * added (String[], Class) constructors to ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, allowing to load relative to a specified class Package org.springframework.core * refined NestedXxxException to be serialization-compatible with Spring 1.2 * refined NestedXxxException to properly handle null message in root cause, through using the cause's "toString()" * fixed FileSystemResource/UrlResource to retain leading "../" parts in paths, building correct relative paths for them * ResourceEditor resolves placeholders in resource locations against system environment variables as well Package org.springframework.dao * introduced PermissionDeniedDataAccessException, thrown for valid operation that was rejected due to lack of permission Package org.springframework.jdbc * added "permissionDeniedCodes" category to SQLErrorCodes, with default code 229 for MS SQL Server in sql-error-codes * JdbcTemplate's "queryForString"/"queryForInt"/etc methods correctly detect incorrect result sizes even for null values * turned JdbcTemplate's "query(PreparedStatementCreator,PreparedStatementSetter,ResultSetExtractor rse)" method public * JdbcTemplate does not check static SQL for bind parameters anymore, to avoid overhead of double parsing * improved JdbcTemplate's logging of ignored SQLWarnings, including SQL state and error code in the log output * refined NativeJdbcExtractorAdapter to retry with DatabaseMetaData Connection if extraction failed (for Hibernate 3.1) * added NamedParameterJdbcTemplate which provides named parameters support for query and update functionality * added "allowsUnusedParameters()" and "checkCompiled()" methods to RdbmsOperation, for better customizing in subclasses * refined StoredProcedure to accept unused entries in given parameter Maps by default * added named parameters support to SqlQuery/SqlUpdate hierarchy of classes Package org.springframework.jms * AbstractMessageListenerContainer prefers SessionAwareMessageListener over MessageListener (if both are implemented) * added "exceptionListener" property to AbstractMessageListenerContainer, accepting a standard JMS ExceptionListener * added "handleListenerException" template method to AbstractMessageListenerContainer, by default logging at error level * fixed DefaultMessageListenerContainer to properly use separate invokers per thread, for actually concurrent Sessions * fixed ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer(102) to use "createSession(Connection)" method to avoid JMS 1.1 dependency * added MessageListenerAdapter(102), delegating to listener methods that operate on content types (String, byte array) Package org.springframework.jmx * reworked NotificationListenerBean to avoid overloaded bean property setters for "mappedObjectNames" Package org.springframework.mail * refined JavaMailSenderImpl to use "Session.getInstance(properties, null)", for compatibility with (old) JavaMail 1.1 Package org.springframework.mock * added overloaded constructors to MockFilterConfig, using a MockServletContext instead of a ServletContext argument Package org.springframework.orm * updated JDO API 2.0 jar to 2.0 RC1 from the Apache JDO project * updated JPA API 1.0 jar to build 40 from the GlassFish project * fixed LocalSessionFactoryBean's "updateDatabaseSchema" to declare the correct exception (DataAccessException) * fixed BlobStringType for Hibernate2/3 to correctly handle SQL NULL * refined JDO PersistenceManagerFactoryUtils to explicitly suspend pre-bound PM in the course of transaction suspension * refined JPA EntityManagerFactoryUtils to explicitly suspend pre-bound EM in the course of transaction suspension * removed support for obsolete "EntityManagerFactory.getEntityManager()" method from LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean * added "entityManagerInterface" property to SharedEntityManagerAdapter, for exposing a vendor-extended interface * adapted OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter/Interceptor to not specify obsolete PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED anymore * fixed JpaDaoSupport's "setEntityManager" method to accept an EntityManager instead of an EntityManagerFactory * removed "getEntityManager()"/"getEntityManagerFactory()" accessor methods from JpaDaoSupport * removed "allowCreate" flag from JpaTemplate, always allowing creation (analogous to shared EntityManager) * added "exceptionConversionEnabled" flag to HibernateInterceptor, TopLinkInterceptor, JdoInterceptor, JpaInterceptor Package org.springframework.remoting * HTTP invoker and RMI invoker fill the client-side portion of the stack trace into transferred exceptions now * RmiClientInterceptorUtils throws clearer exception message in case of proxy mismatch (for underlying RMI stubs) * added "setContentType" configuration method to HttpInvokerServiceExporter and AbstractHttpInvokerRequestExecutor * built client-side HTTP GZIP response support into SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor/CommonsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor * JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor synchronizes creation of JAX-RPC Calls, to make dynamic invocations with Axis thread-safe * refined JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor to only use JAX-RPC port if "portInterface" specified (prefer dynamic invocations) * added "setCustomPropertyMap" method to JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor/ProxyFactoryBean, accepting String-Object pairs * added AxisBeanMappingServicePostProcessor to "jaxrpc.support" package, for declarative registration of bean mappings Package org.springframework.scheduling * refined Quartz SchedulerFactoryBean to re-register the associated JobDetail when overwriting a JobDetailAwareTrigger * fixed Quartz SchedulerFactoryBean to handle potential cluster race condition on trigger registration Package org.springframework.scripting * AOP-based auto-proxying works for scripted objects as well now * added "lang" namespace for XML schema definitions, providing configuration for beans written in dynamic languages Package org.springframework.transaction * AbstractPlatformTransactionManager logs "Should roll back transaction but cannot" message at debug level (not warn) * TransactionInterceptor logs application exception at error level if commit throws an exception Package org.springframework.util * added null-safe hashCode and toString methods to ObjectUtils (analogous to JDK 1.5), moved over from Spring Modules * fixed StringUtils's "endsWithIgnoreCase" to correctly handle any String length * fixed CollectionsUtils's "hasUniqueObject" to correctly handle null values * refined NumberUtils to perform a value-in-range check for any Number returned from a NumberFormat * reworked MethodInvoker to match arguments against parameter types when searching for a matching method Package org.springframework.validation * renamed SimpleMapBindingResult to MapBindingResult * DataBinder does not use a default StringArrayPropertyEditor anymore, to nicely handle select list entries with commas * fixed ValidationUtils's "invokeValidator" to work correctly even in case of a null reference as object to be validated * added BindingResultUtils, providing convenience methods for looking up BindingResults in a model Map Package org.springframework.web * refined GenericFilterBean to fully support initialization as bean in a Spring bean factory (without FilterConfig) * refined OncePerRequestFilter to fall back to bean name or fully qualified class name if no filter name is available * refined FrameworkServlet to log a request handling failure at debug level rather than error level * refined AbstractRefreshablePortletApplicationContext to take PortletContext from PortletConfig if not explicitly set * factored out "handleNoSuchRequestHandlingMethod" method in MultiActionController, to be overridden in subclasses * fixed SimpleMappingExceptionResolver to correctly check the depth of all exception mappings before choosing a view * refined SimpleMappingExceptionResolver to only apply a "defaultStatusCode" to a top-level request (not to an include) * added "clearCache()" method to AbstractCachingViewResolver, for removing all cached view objects * optimized BeanNameViewResolver to avoid internal throwing and catching of NoSuchBeanDefinitionExceptions * ExpressionEvaluationManager supports concatenated expressions (e.g. "${var1}text${var2}") on all JSP 2.0 engines * added optional caching of JSP 2.0 Expressions, driven by "cacheJspExpressions" context-param in web.xml (true/false) * "javaScriptEscape" feature of Spring tags correctly escapes "" inside a literal value * fixed JSP SelectTag to correctly handle null values * AbstractJasperReportsView and subclasses require JasperReports 1.0.1 or higher (removed backwards compatibility check) * fixed AbstractJasperReportsView and subclasses to be compatible with J2EE <1.4 (avoid response.setCharacterEncoding) * AbstractJasperReportsView autodetects a JDBC DataSource in the model, as alternative to specifying it in configuration * Struts ContextLoaderPlugIn ignores "Action.setServlet(ActionServlet)" method when performing a dependency check * optimized Struts Delegating(Tiles)RequestProcessor to avoid unnecessary NoSuchBeanDefinitionException throw+catch * added Autowiring(Tiles)RequestProcessor, autowiring created Actions (configurable through ActionServlet init-params) Changes in version 2.0 M3 (8.3.2006) ------------------------------------ Package org.springframework.aop * AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSource offers explicit "setTargetClass" method, else determines target class on demand * renamed AbstractLazyInitTargetSource to AbstractLazyCreationTargetSource * renamed AbstractPerformanceMonitorInterceptor to AbstractMonitoringInterceptor * refined DebugInterceptor to keep its count in a field of type long instead of int, with "long getCount()" accessor * fixed DebugInterceptor to properly synchronize access to its count field in a multithreading environment Package org.springframework.beans * factored out extended PropertyAccessor and ConfigurablePropertyAccessor interfaces from BeanWrapper/BeanWrapperImpl * BeanWrapperImpl supports PropertyEditors exposed by PropertyDescriptors (typically from BeanInfo classes) * BeanWrapperImpl passes a null value to a PropertyEditor's "setValue" method, allowing for conversion of null values * changed MutablePropertyValues's "addPropertyValue" signature back to void, to remain binary compatible with Spring 1.2 * fixed PropertyTypeConverter to never build "null[...]" property paths that lead to exceptions in "findCustomEditor" * fixed ArgumentConvertingMethodInvoker to perform conversion attempts on a copy of the argument array (not the source) * added "nullAsEmptyCollection" flag to CustomCollectionEditor, allowing to convert a null value to an empty Collection * added "containsLocalBean" method to HierarchicalBeanFactory interface, refactored from AbstractApplicationContext * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to use canonical bean name (id) for prototype creation, exposing it to BeanPostProcessors * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to destroy a failed bean completely, including dependent beans (in case of eager references) * fixed AbstractBeanFactory's definition caching to allow for proper placeholder substitution even with parent/child * added "configureBean" method to AutowireCapableBeanFactory, fully configuring an instance based on a bean definition * DefaultListableBeanFactory does not instantiate "factory-bean" references anymore, not even for eager-init singletons * re-added support for deprecated "class" property to PropertiesBeanDefinitionReader, alongside "(class)" * DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser considers "" as default namespace as well, for compatibility with the Oracle XML parser Package org.springframework.context * AbstractApplicationContext discovers its context MessageSource as "messageSource" bean even through an alias Package org.springframework.core * added "getRootCause()" method to NestedRuntime/CheckedException, for retrieving the innermost exception * refined PropertiesLoaderUtils to use a URLConnection with "setUseCaches(false)", to avoid jar file locking on Windows Package org.springframework.jdbc * added further default SQL error codes for MS SQL, MySQL, and Oracle * refined DataSourceUtils to expect an "afterCompletion" callback from a different thread (in case of JTA transaction) Package org.springframework.jms * reworked DefaultMessageListenerContainer to allow for breaking the receive loop into smaller, schedulable tasks * DefaultMessageListenerContainer defaults "maxMessagesPerTask" to 1 for short-lived-preferring SchedulingTaskExecutor * renamed ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer's "maxMessages" to "maxMessagesPerTask", for consistency Package org.springframework.jmx * fixed MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean to avoid potential initialization of unused JMX Connector on shutdown Package org.springframework.jndi * added "defaultObject" property to JndiObjectFactoryBean, allowing to fall back to default object if JNDI lookup fails Package org.springframework.mock * MockServletContext's "getResourcePaths" correctly resolves directories as paths that end with a slash * MockHttpServletResponse detects charset specification in "setContentType" and sets character encoding accordingly * fixed AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests's "startNewTransaction" to initialize "complete" to "!defaultRollback" Package org.springframework.orm * Hibernate LocalSessionFactoryBean offers protected "executeSchemaStatement" method for overriding the failure handling * fixed JpaTemplate's "findByNamedQuery" to correctly apply parameter indexes starting from 1 Package org.springframework.scheduling * added SchedulingTaskExecutor interface, letting an executor declare a preference for short-lived tasks * all thread-pool-backed executors implement SchedulingTaskExecutor to expose a preference for short-lived tasks * added SchedulingAwareRunnable interface, exposing an "isLongLived" flag (analogous to CommonJ's "isDaemon") * CommonJ WorkManagerTaskExecutor/DelegatingWork exposes SchedulingAwareRunnable's "isLongLived" flag appropriately * fixed TimerFactoryBean to properly initialize even without "scheduledTimerTasks" configured Package org.springframework.scripting * fixed ScriptFactoryPostProcessor to let scripts receive bean references up the entire container hierarchy Package org.springframework.transaction * added CompositeTransactionAttributeSource and "setTransactionAttributeSources([])" method for TransactionInterceptor * JtaTransactionManager autodetects JNDI location "java:pm/TransactionManager" on Borland and Sun application servers Package org.springframework.util * fixed ResponseTimeMonitorImpl to properly synchronize access to its instance variables in a multithreading environment Package org.springframework.validation * added further accessors to Errors interface: hasFieldErrors(), getFieldErrorCount(), getFieldErrors(), getFieldError() * introduced BindingResult interface, as extension of the Errors interface * reworked BindException to implement the BindingResult interface, wrapping an existing BindingResult * added BeanPropertyBindingResult and SimpleMapBindingResult implementations, based on a refactoring of BindException * added "BindingResult getBindingResult()" method to DataBinder, deprecating the "BindException getErrors()" method * adapted BindingErrorProcessor interface to operate on a BindingResult instead of a BindException * added support for direct field access in the form of DirectFieldBindingResult and DataBinder's "initDirectFieldAccess" Package org.springframework.web * changed WebApplicationContext's "ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE" to actually start with the package name * ContextLoader throws IllegalStateException if there is already a root application context present * fixed DispatcherServlet to keep and restore previous thread-bound LocaleContext and RequestAttributes * added overloaded "getModelAndView" method with HttpServletRequest argument to SimpleMappingExceptionResolver * added "cookieSecure" property to CookieGenerator, indicating that cookies should only be sent using HTTPS connections * added schema support for configuring a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping using spring-web.xsd * renamed "Handler" interface to "RequestHandler", to differentiate it from the dispatcher's generic "handler" concept * moved ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping from package "web.servlet.mvc.mapping" to "web.servlet.mvc" * added "useDirectFieldAccess()" template method to BaseCommandController, for initializing the DataBinder accordingly * added overloaded "onFormChange" method with BindException argument to SimpleFormController * MultiActionController does not consider "handleRequest" itself as handler method (to avoid potential stack overflow) * added full JSP 1.2 form tag library in package "web.servlet.tags", complementing the existing base tag library * upgraded VelocityToolboxView to use Velocity Tools 1.2+ API and avoid using deprecated earlier API * added VelocityLayoutViewResolver, a convenience subclass of VelocityViewResolver with support for VelocityLayoutView * added protected "callNextHandlerInChain" method to DecoratingNavigationHandler, to be called by subclasses Changes in version 2.0 M2 (1.2.2006) ------------------------------------ Overall * all of Spring must be built on JDK 1.5 now; the test suite is still able to run on JDK 1.4 and 1.3 Package org.springframework.aop * added equals/hashCode implementations to all pointcuts and advisors * removed restriction on proxying protected methods from Cglib2AopProxy * allowed AopUtils's "invokeJoinpointUsingReflection" to invoke protected methods * added "autodetectInterfaces" to ProxyFactoryBean, for TransactionProxyFactoryBean style behavior (is the default now!) * refined ProxyFactoryBean to lazily initialize a singleton proxy, to let "getObjectType()" expose the type beforehand * improved performance of IntroductionInfoSupport by faster determination of whether method is on introduced interface * refined ThreadLocalTargetSource's synchronization to guarantee thread-safe destruction on shutdown * added "hideProxyClassNames" property to AbstractTraceInterceptor, to log with target class instead of proxy class * added "target.dynamic" package to support dynamic refresh of object instances * added BeanFactoryRefreshableTargetSource to allow object instances to be refreshed with new instances from BeanFactory * AspectJ binding from pointcut expressions to arbitrary advice method arguments now working * support for introductions using AspectJ @DeclareParents * support for new AspectJ 5 "pertypewithin" aspect instantiation model * completed implementation of @AspectJ integration class MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint Package org.springframework.beans * fixed PropertyAccessorUtils's "getLastNestedPropertySeparatorIndex" to correctly handle property paths without dot * added overloaded constructor to StringArrayPropertyEditor, allowing to specify a custom separator for String splitting * BeanWrapperImpl keeps registered editors in a linked Map: the first registered editor that matches will be used * BeanWrapperImpl caches registered editors that match superclass or interface, to avoid repeated assignable-from checks * added support for bean properties with generic Collections/Maps, auto-converting to their element/key/value type * added support for constructor arguments with generic Collections/Maps, auto-converting to their element/key/value type * added "merge" attribute to "list"/"set/"map"/"props", for merging of collection values across parent/child definitions * added "default-merge" attribute to "beans" element to allow control of collection merging at the file level * changed FileEditor's behavior to consider input text as standard Spring resource location (instead of plain filename) * added "postProcessAfterInstantiation" method to InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to correctly delegate to parent BeanFactory from "isFactoryBean" * optimized AbstractBeanFactory to avoid internal NoSuchBeanDefinitionException throw+catch as far as possible * AbstractBeanFactory caches merged bean definitions, for efficient prototype child creation and CGLIB class reuse * reworked AbstractBeanFactory's currently-in-creation check to log debug message when unfinished singleton is returned * added "allowCircularReferences" flag to AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory, to disallow circular references completely * DefaultListableBeanFactory's "getBeansOfType" logs BeanCurrentlyInCreationException message instead of stacktrace * refined DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser to explicity check for empty ref name and throw meaningful exception * DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser wraps unexpected exceptions in BeanDefinitionStoreException with context info * inner bean parsing/instantiation exceptions get wrapped in outer exceptions with appropriate context information * moved general bean wiring support from "beans.factory.aspectj" to "beans.factory.wiring"/"beans.factory.annotation" * renamed AspectJ AnnotationBeanConfigurer to AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect * deprecated BeanFactoryBootstrap in favor of using a BeanFactoryLocator or a custom bootstrap class Package org.springframework.context * refined AbstractApplicationContext to never register more than one JVM shutdown hook * deprecated ConsoleListener, since it doesn't serve any purpose Package org.springframework.core * JdkVersion explicitly detects JDK 1.6 and 1.7 as well (does not mis-detect 1.6 as 1.3 anymore) * refined Jdk13ControlFlow to be compatible with GNU ClassPath (whose stacktrace has a whitespace after the method name) * added NestedIOException, deriving from java.io.IOException and adding NestedCheckedException-style root cause handling * refined AbstractResource to work around "FilterInputStream.close()" NPE, simply catching Throwable and ignoring it * PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver considers URL protocol "wsjar" as jar file (to load from WebSphere-managed jars) * ResourceArrayPropertyEditor can translate a set/list of patterns into a Resource array (rather than just one pattern) * split previous AnnotationUtils delegatetetetete into core.annotation.AnnotationUtils and beans.annotation.AnnotationBeanUtils Package org.springframework.jdbc * DataSourceTransactionManager only attempts to release Connection if not pre-bound (to avoid inappropriate log message) * TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy works correctly in combination with JdbcTemplate and transaction suspend/resume now * fixed SingleColumnRowMapper to explicitly check "ResultSet.wasNull()" after "getInt"/"getLong"/"getFloat" etc * turned visibility of "org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils" to package-protected * removed ResultReader interface (sub-interface of RowCallbackHandler): use RowMapper instead * reworked RowMapperResultReader adapter into RowMapperResultSetExtractor * reworked ResultSetSupportingSqlParameter to expose a RowMapper directly through a "getRowMapper()" method * reworked SqlQuery and subclasses to work with a RowMapper instead of a ResultReader -> "newRowMapper" template method * fixed BatchSqlUpdate's constructor that takes a "batchSize" argument to correctly interpret it as batch size * added "trackRowsAffected" property to BatchSqlUpdate, allowing to turn off the row counts list to save memory * refined JdbcBeanDefinitionReader to offer constructors with BeanDefinitionRegistry and PropertiesBeanDefinitionReader Package org.springframework.jmx * fixed MBeanExporter to work correctly with an "excludedBeans" list that it not sorted by bean name ascending * fixed "persistPeriod" default to be -1 even in ManagedResource attribute (not just in ManagedResource annotation) Package org.springframework.mock * made "servletContextName" and "portletContextName" configurable in MockServletContext respectively MockPortletContext * added "set/removeParameter" methods to MockHttpServletRequest, allowing to replace/remove existing parameters * added alternative MockPortalContext constructor that accepts custom PortletMode and WindowState lists * reworked MockActionResponse and MockPortletURL to check against list of supported PortletModes/WindowStates Package org.springframework.orm * SqlMapClientTemplate always works with SqlMapSession and provided Connection to enable proper batching in all cases * added "configLocations" property to LocalSessionFactoryBean for Hibernate3, allowing to load multiple config files * LocalSessionFactoryBean supports cache regions specified through "entity/collectionCacheStrategies" (on Hibernate 3.1) * LocalSessionFactoryBean supports multiple event listeners per type through "eventListeners" (on Hibernate 3.1) * added optional SpringSessionContext for Hibernate 3.1, to plug Spring into "getCurrentSession()" without proxying * added "replicate" convenience methods to HibernateTemplate for both Hibernate2 and Hibernate3 * added BlobStringType with configurable character encoding for both Hibernate2 and Hibernate3 * updated Spring's JDO 2.0 support to JDO API 2.0 beta (as provided by Apache, corresponding to JPOX 1.1.0-beta-6) * added full support for Java Persistence API 1.0 (JPA) Public Final Draft, in package "org.springframework.orm.jpa" Package org.springframework.samples * updated "views.properties" files in all sample applications to use "(class)" and "(parent)" * renamed PetClinic's "Entity" base class to "BaseEntity", to avoid name collision with the JPA Entity annotation * marked JPetStore's OrderForm, AccountForm and UserSession as Serializable Package org.springframework.scheduling * removed special Quartz 1.3 check from SchedulerFactoryBean: requires Quartz 1.4 or higher now * added support for Quartz 1.5's merged JobDataMap to QuartzJobBean, falling back to plain JobDataMap on Quartz 1.4 Package org.springframework.scripting * introduced scripting package based on ScriptFactory and ScriptSource abstractions * added support for BeanShell, Groovy and JRuby scripted objects Package org.springframework.test * fixed AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests's "populateProtectedVariables" to avoid incorrect warnings * added "startNewTransaction()" method to AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests Package org.springframework.transaction * refined AbstractPlatformTransactionManager to suspend synchronizations before the actual transaction (not after) * fixed AbstractPlatformTransactionManager to serialize all relevant state * fixed TransactionInterceptor to correctly serialize TransactionAspectSupport state * marked AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource as Serializable Package org.springframework.ui * added ModelMap, providing "addObject" methods that auto-generate model attribute names according to conventions * added "defaultEncoding" bean property to FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory(Bean), inherited by FreeMarkerConfigurer * added overloaded methods to JasperReportsUtils to allow exporter parameter to be specified for specific formats Package org.springframework.util * ClassUtils's "forName(String)" method uses "getDefaultClassLoader()" instead of thread context ClassLoader only * fixed "StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray" to properly handle an empty String as delimiter * refined StopWatch to not add new lines for "shortSummary()" but rather only for "prettyPrint()" * fixed ConcurrencyThrottleSupport to serialize all relevant state Package org.springframework.validation * DataBinder registers suppressed fields in BindException, which offers a "getSuppressedFields()" accessor now Package org.springframework.web * "contextConfigLocation" params in "web.xml" support "${...}" style placeholders for system properties * deprecated BindUtils and BindInitializer in package "web.bind" in favor of direct ServletRequestDataBinder usage * deprecated RequestUtils in package "web.bind" in favor of ServletRequestUtils * renamed RequestUtils in package "web.portlet.bind" to PortletRequestUtils * reworked MultipartException to derive from NestedIOException instead of NestedServletException, for Portlet reuse * upgraded CommonsMultipartResolver to Commons FileUpload 1.1 (not using deprecated FileUpload 1.0 API anymore) * added PortletMultipartResolver abstraction, with CommonsPortletMultipartResolver implementation as default * added multipart support to PortletRequestDataBinder, with factored-out common functionality in WebDataBinder * reworked RequestContextHolder to hold a RequestAttributes facade instead of a full HttpServletRequest * added RequestContextHolder support to DispatcherPortlet, to enable Request/SessionScopeMap with portlets * refactored RequestHandledEvent into RequestHandledEvent base class and ServletRequestHandledEvent subclass * renamed FrameworkPortlet's RequestHandledEvent to PortletRequestHandledEvent, a subclass of RequestHandledEvent * PortletBean ignores init-params that do not match bean properties, analogous to HttpServletBean * DispatcherServlet does not log handler exceptions at warn level anymore but rather only at debug level * fixed DispatcherPortlet to properly support an exposed View object in a given ModelAndView * reworked Servlet ModelAndView and Portlet ModelAndView to fully support ModelMap's conventional attribute names * added HttpSessionMutexListener and "WebUtils.getSessionMutex", used by AbstractController's "synchronizeOnSession" * added "PortletUtils.getSessionMutex", used by the Portlet AbstractController's "synchronizeOnSession" * added "FacesContextUtils.getSessionMutex", to make HttpSessionMutexListener's session mutex available to JSF code * turned AbstractController's "passAllParametersToRenderPhase"/"clearAllRenderParameters" into PortletUtils methods * added "propertyEditorRegistrars" property to BaseCommandController, for applying PropertyEditorRegistrars * added "propertyEditorRegistrars" property to Portlet BaseCommandController, for applying PropertyEditorRegistrars * added "bindingErrorProcessor" property to Portlet BaseCommandController, for configurable BindingErrorProcessor * turned AbstractCommandController's and AbstractFormController's "handleRequestInternal" methods non-final * refactored AbstractFormController's session form check into one single place, throwing SessionRequiredException * reworked MultiActionController's "bind" and "createBinder" to work on HttpServletRequest instead of ServletRequest * deprecated MultiActionController's "initBinder(ServletRequest...)" in favor of "initBinder(HttpServletRequest...)" * refined ParameterMethodNameResolver to treat an empty method name as no name at all, letting the default kick in * added protected accessors for UrlBasedViewResolver's bean properties, allowing subclasses to access the settings * added "argumentSeparator" property to MessageTag, allowing to specify a custom separator instead of the default comma * added "useSingleModelNameAsRoot" property to AbstractXlstView, allowing to enforce the value of the "root" property * added RequestToViewNameTranslator strategy to allow DispatcherServlet to auto-generate view names where necessary * added DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator to provide intuitive defaults for automatic view name generation * refined Struts DelegatingActionProxy and Delegating(Tiles)RequestProcessor to fall back to root WebApplicationContext * added DelegatingNavigationHandlerProxy and DelegatingPhaseListenerMulticaster to JSF support (used by Spring Web Flow) Changes in version 2.0 M1 (22.12.2005) -------------------------------------- Overall * removed all deprecated classes and methods * removed support for iBATIS SQL Maps 1.3 (if you haven't done so already, upgrade to iBATIS SQL Maps 2.0/2.1!) * added explicit support for Hibernate 3.1 while remaining compatible with Hibernate 3.0 (as far as possible) * factored out "spring-jdo", "spring-hibernate2/3", "spring-toplink", "spring-ojb" jars (not in "spring.jar" anymore!) * distributed first AspectJ aspects (for transaction management and DI of objects not instantiated by Spring container) Package org.springframework.aop * added support for AspectJ pointcut expressions, specified in AspectJ pointcut language * added support for AspectJ aspect implementations, both for classic AspectJ style and the AspectJ 5 annotation style * added @Configurable annotation plus BeanConfigurer aspect to allow injection on any arbitrary object through AspectJ * added AopNamespaceHandler to support dedicated "aop:*" XML tags Package org.springframework.beans * added intelligent error messages to BeanWrapperImpl when properties are not found * fixed BeanWrapperImpl to pass its "extractOldValueForEditor" setting on to nested BeanWrappers * refined BeanWrapperImpl to perform the accessible checking for read/write methods before every invocation * changed "MutablePropertyValues.addPropertyValue(String, Object)" to return 'this' * removed deprecated "getBeanDefinitionNames(type)" method from ListableBeanFactory and BeanFactoryUtils * added "createBean" and "initializeBean" methods to AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface * fixed AbstractBeanFactory to allow child bean definitions to refer to a parent via its alias name * DefaultListableBeanFactory is able to call non-public factory methods as well * PropertiesBeanDefinitionReader trims String values for special keys such as "(class)", "(parent)", etc * added "default-init-method" and "default-destroy-method" attributes to the XML bean definition format * added support for XSD-driven XML bean definitions, with pluggable namespace handlers * added UtilNamespaceHandler to support dedicated "util:*" XML tags Package org.springframework.core * introduced TaskExecutor abstraction, as strategy interface for the execution of Runnables * added SyncTaskExecutor and SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor as simple default implementations of the TaskExecutor interface Package org.springframework.context * added "getAutowireCapableBeanFactory()" accessor to ApplicationContext interface, for direct access without casting * refined AbstractApplicationContext's lifecycle behavior to properly ignore repeated "close()" calls * moved DefaultListableBeanFactory's cleanup on "preInstantiateSingletons()" behavior to AbstractApplicationContext * reworked SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster to delegate to a TaskExecutor, using a SyncTaskExecutor as default Package org.springframework.dao * introduced EmptyResultDataAccessException as specific subclass of IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException Package org.springframework.jdbc * added further error codes for Oracle and MySQL to default "sql-error-codes.xml" file * OracleLobHandler lazily initializes Oracle driver classes, always loading via the actual Connection's class loader * fixed DataSourceUtils to correctly re-suspend a Connection even if the Connection hasn't been used since resume * fixed JdbcTemplate to extract the JDBC Connection for CallableStatementCreators if a NativeJdbcExtractor has been set * factored out protected "getColumnMapRowMapper" and "getSingleColumnRowMapper" hooks within JdbcTemplate * SingleColumnRowMapper throws specific IncorrectResultSetColumnCountException in case of invalid column count * SingleColumnRowMapper explicitly calls "ResultSet.getBigDecimal()" if the required type is BigDecimal * added SimpleJdbcTemplate with ParameterizableRowMapper for Java 5, leveraging varargs and generics Package org.springframework.jms * SimpleMessageConverter accepts a passed-in raw JMS Message and returns a raw JMS Message if content type is unknown * added DefaultMessageListenerContainer mechanism for async message reception via the plain JMS MessageConsumer API * added SimpleMessageListenerContainer mechanism for async message reception via the plain JMS MessageListener API * added ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer mechanism for async message reception via the JMS ServerSessionPool API Package org.springframework.jmx * introduced MBeanExportOperations interface, providing a programmatic facility for registering MBeans on MBeanExporter * introduced MBeanExportException as unified exception hierarchy for MBeanExporter and MBeanExportOperations * MBeanExporter no longer ignores autodetected MBeans with invalid object names: specify appropriate "excludedBeans" * added support for registering NotificationListeners with the MBeanServer * added @ManagedNotification(s) annotation (and corresponding Commons attributes) for describing notification MBeanInfo * extended static MBeanInfoAssemblers to support configuration of Notification metadata * added NotificationPublisher(Aware) to support publication of JMX Notifications from Spring-managed beans * added MBeanExporter option to have Spring extend ObjectNames to ensure they are unique per-instance * added MBeanExporter option to have Spring expose the ClassLoader of the managed resource before MBean invocations Package org.springframework.jndi * added JndiNamespaceHandler to support dedicated "jndi:*" XML tags Package org.springframework.orm * JdoTransactionManager does explicit "isActive()" check before attempting a rollback, to avoid illegal state exception * HibernateTransactionManager autodetects Hibernate 3.1 to support its native transaction timeout * removed "save" operations with explicit id argument from HibernateTemplate (following Hibernate 3.1's removal) * upgraded FilterDefinitionFactoryBean to Hibernate 3.1 (which changed its FilterDefinition in an incompatible fashion) * upgraded IdTransferringMergeEventListener to Hibernate 3.1 (which changed its listener API in an incompatible fashion) * Hibernate LocalSessionFactoryBean exposes its DataSource on "SessionFactory.close()", for potential schema export Package org.springframework.remoting * RmiServiceExporter performs explicit RMI unexport if binding to the registry failed, to avoid dangling exports * JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor/ProxyFactoryBean apply given JaxRpcServicePostProcessors to existing JAX-RPC Service too * HttpInvokerServiceExporter, HessianServiceExporter and BurlapServiceExporter implement Handler instead of Controller * HttpInvokerRequestExecutor is allowed to throw any Exception, not just IOException and ClassNotFoundException Package org.springframework.scheduling * TimerFactoryBean creates a non-daemon Timer by default, to let running tasks finish after Timer was cancelled * added TimerTaskExecutor adapter for accessing a "java.util.Timer" through the TaskExecutor interface * added "taskExecutor" property to Quartz SchedulerFactoryBean, for replacing Quartz's default thread pool * added SimpleThreadPoolTaskExecutor for Quartz, allowing to define Quartz's default thread pool as Spring TaskExecutor * added scheduling-style support for the JDK 1.5 ThreadPoolExecutor mechanism in the "java.util.concurrent" package * added ConcurrentTaskExecutor adapter for accessing a JDK 1.5 Executor through the TaskExecutor interface * added scheduling-style support for the CommonJ TimerManager API, as supported by WebLogic 9 and WebSphere 6 * added WorkManagerTaskExecutor adapter for accessing a CommonJ WorkManager through the TaskExecutor interface Package org.springframework.samples * upgraded JPetStore (standard and annotation version) to use the new XML schema namespaces "aop", "tx" and "jndi" Package org.springframework.test * added AbstractModelAndViewTests, a convenience super class for testing ModelAndView objects Package org.springframework.transaction * JtaTransactionManager only invokes rollback if transaction is still active (some JTA providers eagerly terminate) * added TransactionNamespaceHandler to support dedicated "tx:*" XML tags Package org.springframework.util * added "isNull()" methods to Assert class * added "setPathSeparator" method to AntPathMatcher, allowing to override the default path separator "/" * fixed AntPathMatcher to correctly treat "*" right after separator, i.e. to accept path "/test/" for pattern "/test/*" * WeakReferenceMonitor uses a daemon thread, to avoid a hanging thread even if weak references have not been released * changed ConcurrencyThrottleSupport's default "concurrencyLimit" to -1 (keeping ConcurrencyThrottleInterceptor at 1) Package org.springframework.web * use NestedServletException wherever a root cause gets wrapped by a ServletException (for nicer root cause handling) * WebApplicationContext interface does not extend ThemeSource anymore; implementing ThemeSource is now optional * introduced ServletConfigAware interface, for getting access to a Framework/DispatcherServlet's ServletConfig object * SimpleServletPostProcessor configures Servlets with DispatcherServlet's ServletConfig by default (can be turned off) * introduced Handler interface as alternative to Controller, with no ModelAndView and only throwing Servlet/IOException * AbstractCachingViewResolver guarantees at-most-once instantiation of each View instance (-> extended synchronization) * added "currentFormObject" template method to AbstractFormController, for post-processing of a session form object * "RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)" falls back to the accept-header Locale if no LocaleResolver found * FixedLocaleResolver returns the JVM's default Locale if no explicit default Locale specified * VelocityView converts Velocity's MethodInvocationException to a Spring NestedServletException with original root cause