Interface WebSocketHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractWebSocketHandler, BinaryWebSocketHandler, ExceptionWebSocketHandlerDecorator, LoggingWebSocketHandlerDecorator, PerConnectionWebSocketHandler, SockJsWebSocketHandler, SubProtocolWebSocketHandler, TextWebSocketHandler, WebSocketHandlerDecorator

public interface WebSocketHandler
A handler for WebSocket messages and lifecycle events.

Implementations of this interface are encouraged to handle exceptions locally where it makes sense or alternatively let the exception bubble up in which case by default the exception is logged and the session closed with SERVER_ERROR(1011). The exception handling strategy is provided by ExceptionWebSocketHandlerDecorator and it can be customized or replaced by decorating the WebSocketHandler with a different decorator.

Rossen Stoyanchev, Phillip Webb
  • Method Details

    • afterConnectionEstablished

      void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) throws Exception
      Invoked after WebSocket negotiation has succeeded and the WebSocket connection is opened and ready for use.
      Exception - this method can handle or propagate exceptions; see class-level Javadoc for details.
    • handleMessage

      void handleMessage(WebSocketSession session, WebSocketMessage<?> message) throws Exception
      Invoked when a new WebSocket message arrives.
      Exception - this method can handle or propagate exceptions; see class-level Javadoc for details.
    • handleTransportError

      void handleTransportError(WebSocketSession session, Throwable exception) throws Exception
      Handle an error from the underlying WebSocket message transport.
      Exception - this method can handle or propagate exceptions; see class-level Javadoc for details.
    • afterConnectionClosed

      void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus closeStatus) throws Exception
      Invoked after the WebSocket connection has been closed by either side, or after a transport error has occurred. Although the session may technically still be open, depending on the underlying implementation, sending messages at this point is discouraged and most likely will not succeed.
      Exception - this method can handle or propagate exceptions; see class-level Javadoc for details.
    • supportsPartialMessages

      boolean supportsPartialMessages()
      Whether the WebSocketHandler handles partial messages. If this flag is set to true and the underlying WebSocket server supports partial messages, then a large WebSocket message, or one of an unknown size may be split and maybe received over multiple calls to handleMessage(WebSocketSession, WebSocketMessage). The flag WebSocketMessage.isLast() indicates if the message is partial and whether it is the last part.